Thursday, 3 January 2019

Glass Repair Dandenong

There is a range of options to choose from when it comes to replacing windows and glass to increase efficiency and performance. Most people would opt for more capital intensive solutions that would require entire window repairs. This is because they think of replacements as an investment in their property. However, you can also opt for low-cost budget DIY fixes such as installing window films or replacement of weather-stripping. All in all, glass repair and window repairs are an important hack in home maintenance that homeowners ought to consider.
Consequently, most homeowners at times make this decision without giving considerations to their options. Also, without understanding the implications of the changes such repairs would bring including energy efficiency and costs. The age of the glass or window is a key element when considering replacement. However, this does not mean that you have to wait for the glass to be extremely drafty before considering a replacement. Rather, it emphasizes the importance of understanding how long such an investment lasts before considering replacing.

What is the Lifespan of a Glass and what are the implications?

According to window and glass professionals, the lifespan of new glass is between 15 to 20 years. That means that, after this period, as a homeowner, you should start thinking about glass repair or replacement. Between 15 and 25 years, you should be thinking about window repairs like adding insulation, caulking, and other temporary fixes. However, this does not eliminate the need for an entire window replacement which will have to be done in the long run.
Some of the implications of old glass and windows that influence homeowners to upgrade their windows include; insulation needs, cost savings, and energy efficiency. Additionally, the need for improved comfort and the need to reduce carbon footprints are other reasons why one would need a glass repair. Even with that said, some people will choose to employ retrofit strategies with an aim of prolonging the life of their glass and windows. On the other hand, some will do this to prevent disposal of such material.
While retrofits may serve to prolong the life of your windows, this does mean that a homeowner makes savings or prevents the need for repairs. Conversely, the ultimate cost may be the key factor between the decision for a complete repair or a retrofit. However, professional energy analysis is needed to determine whether a glass or window replacement or retrofit will pay off in the long run.
To learn more tips on window and Glass Repair Dandenong contact us now.